Présentation de l’auteur(trice)
Thibault BALDIVIA (ECL 2013)
I am an aeronautical engineer currently working on the E-FAN project – one of the first 100% electrically powered aircraft. I am part of the team developing the Electrical Propulsion Unit for the aircraft and I especially deal with electrical architectures, system engineering and electronics.Broadly speaking I am a huge propulsion systems enthusiast and I am highly interested in alternative propulsion developments both for automotive and aerospace industries. I also love to code/model things which is why I have been involved a lot in simulation and system engineering/SysML activities.
My capabilities: electric propulsion; hybrid propulsion; system engineering; multiphysics modelling; aerodynamics; batteries; turbofan engines; SysML; Python;
Publications de l’auteur(trice)
Atea : le taxi volant hybride made in France pour les JO 2024
Centraliens entrepreneurs - Atea : le taxi volant hybride...
La science-fiction d’hier ressemble de plus en plus à la réalité de demain. C’est le cas des taxis volants, fantasme passé...
04 février 2020
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